Blackberry Empathy : Ultimate Concept Phone
Designers Kiki Tang and Daniel Yoon from Art Center College of Design has came up with a cool idea of this concept phone called as Blackberry Empathy.
Blackberry Empathy is capable of determining the mood of its owner, and changes its color accordingly.Not only this the BlackBerry Empathy concept phone is designed in such a versatile manner that the smartphone is even capable of:
- Graphically showing emotions and emotional history,
- Providing User’s news and social status,
- Facilitating Intelligent social networking and social graph based on emotions.
How did the idea for blackberry empathy popped up?
The idea of blackberry Empathy concept came up as the result of the sponsored project held by RIM Blackberry at the Art Center College of Design,where designers Kiki and Daniel had to incorporate an interface that integrates human emotions with the concept of social networking.
How does blackberry empathy works?
The phone is used in conjunction with a biometrics ring that is worn by the user to collect “emotional data”. This emotional data is then interpreted by the phone and is used it to create graphs and provide other functionality.
Blackberry Empathy Features
- Blackberry Empathy features a transparent OLED screen and the coolest thing about the screen is that it becomes transparent when not in use and opaque during interaction.
- The front is all touch surface, while on the back there is a physical keyboard.
- The smartphone comes along with a smart charging dock for charging both the phone and the biometric ring.
- The biometric rings comes in various sizes so there is nothing to worry about weather rings is going to fit your finger or not.Biometric ring when worn by the user sends the vital information such as:
- Heart rate.
- Blood pressure.
- Body temperature.
- Skin secretions.
- The phone is 114.30mm tall and 69.85mm wide.
- The contacts are arranged in accordance to their relations.
Daniel describes the interface of blackberry empathy as:
“It is of course touch based and all the user’s connections are shown graphically so you can see who is connected to whom. Each contact has an avatar that is encompassed by two colored rings. The inner colored ring shows the contact’s previous emotional state, and the outer ring represents the contact’s current emotional state. It is important to show the shift in emotions in order to see how an event has affected that contact.”
He continues telling that:
“Another important feature that we felt was important was the “Emotional Health Chart”. This chart would monitor the user’s emotional health through an indefinite period of time. One would be able to see how a certain event, or phone call/ message has affected the user. Obviously, if the chart shows someone is always upset, there would be a problem… If permitted, a user would be able to view other user’s charts as well.”
Blackberry Empathy’s proposed conceptual solutions
Blackberry Empathy is focused to provide a communication system based on the social networking architecture,that is enhanced with the integration of the human emotions.the blackberry empathy conceptual solutions are as follows:
Social Networking Based System
- Based on popular applications such as facebook and my space
- Suggest potential compatible pesonalitites
- Visual diagram of the social network
- Share music through visiting user profiles” virtual radio stations”
Simple color coded emotional state indications
- Based on the idea of mood ring
- Quick status updates
- Know who is up for the convesation and who should not be disturbed
- Know who needs a hug!
- Express who is really inside
Proximity sensors
- Walk into a room and know how other users are feeling.
- Perhaps the room need a bit of cheering up,or know when to keep quiet
The Emotion Chart
Record your emotions itno a virtual timeline
- The device would then interpret them into a sequence of lights colors and sounds.
- Review your emotional health and know how certain events triggeres certain feelings.
Enhanced Messaging
- Rather then text send an emotional symphony to someone.
Check out few more Images of Blackberry Empathy :
Blackberry Empathy Cost
Blackberry Empathy Concept Phone is expected to come at a price tag of $1260.
If you want a breif glance over Blackberry Empathy watch this video....