Meet the new, reversible USB !!!!!!
This USB Type-C (USB 3.0) is designed to be small enough to fit mobile devices, yet robust enough for laptops and tablets.
What is USB Type-C?
To understand Type-C means understanding existing USB standards. Right now there are four main categories:
USB Type-A – the original, rectangular form factor used by USB keys and external drives, almost everything
USB Type-B – the little used square form factor most commonly seen on the back of printers. It is a fading standard
Micro USB – the tiny, near-universal form factor used by smartphones and tablets (only Apple AAPL +0.01% bucks the trend with Lightning)
Mini USB – the larger predecessor of Micro USB was used at the device end of things like GPS units and some external hard drives, but like USB Type-B it is fast fading from use.
Image courtesy of Wikipedia
You will notice each type has a different form factor and the same is true for USB Type-C. Unlike the other standards which target different classes of device, however, USB Type-C (below) wants to replace them all. It combines the small size of Micro USB with the speed and power delivery potential of USB Type-A. In short: this is one USB standard to rule them all.
The Upsides
USB Type-C can go as fast as any USB standard and it will launch with compliancy for ‘USB 3.1’. This generational jump doubles the performance of USB 3.0 from 5Gbps to 10Gbps (equivalent to 1,250 megabytes per second). The latest version of Intel INTC +0.59%Thunderbolt (used on Macs but still rare on PCs) can manage 20Gbps, but the difference will matter little for the vast majority of users.
USB Type-C will also be compliant with the second major advancement of USB 3.1: vastly more power. Whereas USB 2.0 can handle current of up to 500 milliamps (mA) for up to 2.5W of power and USB 3.0 upped that to 900mA for up to 4.5W of power, USB 3.1 can offer 5 amps (5000mA) and up to 100W of power.
To put this in perspective, a typical 15.4-inch laptop will consume around 60-65 watts on average. This means not only will devices charge far faster, but almost anything can be powered via USB 3.1 and the tiny USB Type-C connector. Consequently printers, monitors, speakers and even laptops could all be powered from a desktop PC and laptops themselves could dump their wide array of incompatible barrel chargers for a single USB Type-C connector which would double as an extra port when not charging.
Finally with USB Type-C the USB cable will become reversible killing off that most irritating of first world problems and meaning no more fumbling around. This was arguably the best aspect of Apple’s Lightning connector and now USB has the same flexibility.
The USB Type-C standard was finalised earlier this month by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) meaning it will be an official standard just like USB Type-A, Type-B, Mini and Micro USB. It is also backwards compatible with each USB standard, though the USB 3.1 speed and power benefits it can deliver will only come when connecting to other USB 3.1 compliant ports.
The Downsides
While USB Type-C is backwards compatible with previous USB standards it is not physically compatible. This means Type-C cables will need adaptors to fit into existing slots. Given the standard is USB-IF ratified they are likely to cost peanuts (unlike the $29 Apple Lightning cable adaptors), but it still means disruption.
Reversible USB Type-A design from Apple patent
Those who attack Apple do so primarily because of its preference for proprietary technologies over wider industry standards and once more this could prove a problem for USB Type-C.
Recent iPhone 6 leaks show Apple is working on its own form of reversible USB Type-A. Because this is not being developed in conjunction with the USB-IF, it would give Apple the potential to charge license fees for it and is therefore likely to detract from the company’s desire to drive adoption of Type-C.
After the game changing ‘BadUSB’ hack announced last month it is unclear if USB Type-C or the USB 3.1 specification has been altered in any way to stop it. Certainly at this point the USB-IF has yet to address this.
Despite these downsides, the benefits of USB Type-C are abundantly clear. In combination with USB 3.1, Type-C can become the unified speed and power connection for all forms of technology and with the first devices creeping out before the end of the year we won’t have to wait long.
There is no doubt as momentum around USB Type-C grows so will confusion in 2015, but unlike so many technology overhauls this one is well worth it.